Wednesday, September 17, 2008

We Kill Three Birds with One Stone

On a random Wednesday evening, late in the summer, this bird's nest decided to do something that comes second nature to us.

We Kill three birds with one stone!
First Bird to be killed...
Taking Bird Dog to get some exercise-

Bird dog was so excited to go...she could hardly wait...
....wait to run in her very own back yard.
Well, it's not all her's, but she sure thinks it is.
Second bird to be killed -
Having Mama Bird and Papa Bird get some exercise.

Third bird to be killed.....
Scoring MAJOR Golf Balls!

Now, the trick of finding so many golf balls is easy; just watch Papa Bird play golf.
Wherever Papa Bird's ball goes, remember that spot.
Go to that spot each time and you will be sure to find.....
Hole 5 gets 'um everytime!
(please notice that this ball is no where near manicured grass)
Look hard now, because the golf balls likes to hide...

Sometimes you will have to get a little wet....

Aw, It's a Pro V I --- that's for you Uncle Bird!

Sometimes you hit it big and find a two-for-one!

On any given day, you can have some competition.
This lady surely has no idea who she is dealing with.
Please step aside lady, we ARE professionals at this.
This is no place for a little lady like yourself; you could really get hurt!
You better go home.
On a good day, after lots of practice of course, you'll start with this....

And end with this!

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