Monday, September 8, 2008

Cast of Characters

I thought I would take this time to introduce the cast of characters involved in this delicate story of "Tee Time with The Storcks." With each coming story, you will need a visual to see what brings me my inspiration to come to the blog world and post my thoughts, feelings, memories and dreams.

First off we have Papa Bird

Papa Bird likes to dance in the street, listen to his music at excessive decimals, do sit ups for ice cream sandwiches and watch The Discovery Channel until he has since every episode of Myth Busters for the 613 time.
Papa Bird dislikes touching anything without hand sanitizer nearby, all drivers over the age of 61 and when his milk goes bad in the refrigerator.
Here are some pictures that best describe Papa Bird:

The next character in our bird nest is Mama Bird:

Mama Bird enjoys a clean house, laughing at Papa Bird, a good glass of wine and Saturdays.

Mama Bird doesn't enjoy a dirty house, lecturing Papa Bird, a bad glass of wine and Mondays.

And since all is fair in love and war, here are some pictures that best describe Mama Bird:

And last but not least, the glue that holds this nest together is Bird Dog

Bird Dog enjoys chewing on all things that she is not supposed to, humping our house guests, sun bathing, popcorn, and sleeping the night away in between Mama Bird and Papa Bird.

Bird Dog does not enjoy being alone, getting a bath, and our next door neighbor...more to come on this topic.

Some pictures that best describe Bird Dog:

So here are main characters in this blog story. There, I'm sure, will be many special guests, extras and add ins, but in the mean time....stay tuned to what story will happen next....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad you started a blog...I now have another website to waste away the day on!!!! Can't wait for the sibling rivalry...I'll hold out my vote for a few more posts.