Sunday, January 18, 2009

Shoe Heaven

What you are about to read is the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God.

This pair of shoes was $3.48. Not lying.
How cute are these?

This pair was $2.48!
Target, I heart you.

This pair was $3.48. I know. I know. I looked for my size.
(You can't really see it in the pic, but they are pink. Hello color.)

This pair was something like $2.78.

I don't know why, but the new Target by my house had a MAJOR shoe sale. And I was glad to do my part to stimulate the economy. I didn't know what size Charley would be vs. the time of year, but this deal was too good to pass up.
She may be a little Eskimo in the middle of July, but she WILL be the cutest little Eskimo in the middle of July.

Also, the little sneakers may be too small, so Sammy bird may be passing those along to his BFF Jackson.

Kelly, if Em Bird has not passed along these to you yet, just wait my friend.
Jackson's 1st birthday is coming up and we Englishes are re-gifters.
Its just what we do.
Just act surprised.

And just when you thought I was done with the shoe sale at Target, out pops these little pics.
Your eyes are not deceiving you. The sneakers match.
If Sammy Bird and Dyl Bird had a song playing everytime they see each other it would be "So Happy Together"
I hear it playing in my head while I watch them interacting with one another.
Not really.
I just made that up.
They go together like peas and carrots.
Both the sneakers and my baby boys.

Last. But certainly not least. My little Danny Bird. Aka Squirt.

Chocolate ballet flats for under $4. Period.
Target, you complete me.


Wolford Family said...

Loooove it! We are just getting into shoes for Riley and my, my, they are sooooo sweet on her little feet!

Emily said...

Sorry Jackson...Sam did fit into those cute brown shoes!!! Laura and I love Amy's weakness when it comes to buying our kids stuff!!!! Seriously....did you see the pink Eskimo boots...PRECIOUS...and sure they go with her "Momma's Little Firecracker" onesie!!!