Friday, January 2, 2009

Here's to going Green

For several decades now, Greggie Poo and I, have heard numerous accounts of how our environment is effected by how we humans treat it.

And they all have gone in one ear and out the other.

Maybe its the invincible attitude that our generation has, but I have always thought someone else would take care of it. Although I didn't know who, I just assumed someone would. Anyone.

And while several advancements have taken place in the world towards the reversal of the damage we have done, there is still so much we humans can do.

Therefore, as of 2009, the Storcks are now recycling. That's right folks. We are jumping on that bandwagon.

Our New Year's resolution is to start recycling and to be mindful of our waste.

Cue the patriotic music. (Mom, please stay seated)

So here's to going Green.

We are rinsing out milk jugs, crushing drink cans, and de-labeling spaghetti jars. We are taking this very seriously people.

Even Bird Dog is climbing aboard the wagon. She has decided to donate her poop poos to the local greenhouse, so they may add it to their fertilizer. So something stinky, can add nutrients to the soil and help grow a beautiful flower.

EWWW. Gross!

Who do you think we are?! Crazy hippie people living in a tree house over in California?

Baby steps people. Baby steps.

Let's just start with the basics please.
Paper, aluminum, glass, and plastic.
No poop.

So what was your New Year's Resolution?

Recycling? Dieting? Volunteer more? Make love, not war? Read more?

I'll be digging through my trash while I wait for your responses.

Happy 2009!


April and Brad said...

Yay for recycling...Brad and I started when we moved in and got a recycling bin. As for NY resolutions, I always break them so I figure I can't break what I don't make right? :)

The Armstrongs said...

You are always good for a laugh AJ. Thanks for that. I am trying to be more organized. I have always been very organized until baby came along and life has been insane! Trying to turn over a new leaf with the start of the new year.

Emily said...

Oh heavens I'm still laughing at "cue the patriotic please stay seated...." this prego needed a good laugh...thanks for delivering as the way...have you checked your mailbox lately...