Thursday, January 15, 2009 this is why....

This is why I haven't been blogging.

My house has been in complete shambles.
Between Christmas traveling, New Year's Eve house guests, and this remodeling project, I've been pretty darn busy.

Oh, and because our kitchen AND dining room is piled in our living room, I couldn't find the laptop.

I have found it now, thus, let the party continue.

Our floors are finally finished! Thank you Baby Jesus. The remodeling process was a messy one, but one that was well worth the wait.

Dust, noise, and grout stains everywhere. Oh my!

Here is the finished product! Minus a little clean up on the base boards.

They look great!

So now that the floors are all said and done, I wanted to catch you up on, ummm, euhhh, Christmas?

Christmas in January is the cool thing to do.

This year we went BIG for the Christmas tree. I'm talking 'National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation' big.

As part of the Junior Women's club, we won a silent auction for a "cut your own Christmas tree".

Boy, was Greggie excited!

In all actuality he really got into it and we had a fun afternoon of picking out our tree, tape measure and all.

In our living room we have high ceilings, so before we left, we measured twice to cut once.

Here she is in all of her glory!

It's a 6 1/2 foot truck bed friends.

Once we had it decorated....

Speaking of 'Christmas Vacation', we had a bird's nest in our tree! Don't worry, I put one of Grandma's fake birds in there to make the nest feel useful.

I'm serious 'bout that Clark.

Our mantle.

And that was basically it. I went lite this year because I knew it would be a construction zone at 110. Two inches of dust and Christmas decorations do not mix with me or with Santa. You just don't mess with the fat man.

Below is a picture of the English girls the day after Christmas. We know where the massage chair hook up is. What can I say, 7am and annoying Target shoppers can catch up with you.
I knew life was better at Macy's.

p.s. I sooo totally got Danny Bird the pink hat she is wearing. You can wait until the next time you see me to tell me how cute she is!

This picture below just makes me smile. Who knew mattress shopping could be so fun for a 22 month old? Coke, popcorn, carousel rides, stuffed animals and a really fast ride in a monster stroller thingy from your Unkie in a camo hat.
Top that Brittany.


Emily said...

who is that SUPER cute kid in the car shopping for a mattress at Grand...ohh wait...thats my son...and he is SO. STINKIN. CUTE. I. CAN'T. STAND. IT!!!!!

ohh and I LOVE the floors!!!!

Keeping up with the Jones said...

I have one word for yall's tree,...fabulous! Reminds me of the movie. Love it!