Monday, October 27, 2008

A Day Late and A Dollar Short

I have no excuse for not blogging.

None. Whatsoever.

I do apologize.

There have been many celebrations in October that I have not blogged about, but had all intentions of doing.

Sister Bird's Birthday

Greggie Poo and I's first Anniversary

K Bird's Birthday

And most importantly Sammy Bird can say my name. Not only does he say my name, but he associates my purty face with my name. Maybe, just maybe, it's because I give him candy everytime he says my name. I dunno. Or maybe it is golf balls. In any case, call it positive reinforcement.

So first we have sister bird's Birthday.

Sister bird and I have not always seen eye to eye on everything. But we always seem to work it out.

For instance, like the time I would not let her ride my new bike that I got for my birthday.

She was so jealous.

I could see it in her face.

It was a beautiful spring afternoon when I received my bike from Mom and Dad. My little Huffy was a real beaut, let me tell you. It was aqua and hot pink with a white wheel wash. I was in complete and utter love.

I immediately asked sister bird if she would like to play outside.

She said yes, I went to grab my new baby, and we headed out the door.

I hopped on my new bike before I even got to the road.

I joyfully zoomed by her pedaling as fast as I could on my brand new Huffy. She stood and watched.

Again. Zoom. Down the hill, right by her.

She watched on and quickly realized that I had only asked her to play outside, so I could show off my new ride. Duh??

With sister bird being the baby, she was not having any of this public display of sibling show-offedness.

With each circle I did, whizzing by her on my new bike, I could see the enviousness start to build up.

She just stood there.

Playing with old fashion sticks and rocks in the road. Ha! Sticks and rocks!

But, I was on my new killer bike...I didn't care about her Little House on the Prairie toys.

I thought that one more zoom past her should do the trick.

Little did I know, but NOBODY puts Baby in the Corner.
(one of the best movies of all time...even if Grandma walked out of the movie theatre at the sight of Patrick Swayze's buttocks)

I started my final, in your face, lap.

Just as I had zoomed past her with the biggest smirk on my face, I heard it.

Little footsteps on the asphalt going 90 miles a minute. Making the sound that only Keds can make when hitting the asphalt.

Sister Bird was after me and she was fastly approaching. What was she after I wondered?

Only Sister Bird knew.

She was out for revenge.

That's when I felt it. Her jagged, little pointy fingernails grabbed me from behind. She went for my shirt and my right handle and did what no lady should do. She pulled me as hard as she could.

Oh. No. She. Didn't. I thought.

But oh yes she had. She pulled me right off of my new bike while I was going about 86 miles an hour.

I don't remember hitting the pavement. Nor do I remember the next couple of seconds of laying there in the middle of the road.

The next thing I do remember is slowing getting up, feeling the warm blood trickle down my chin, and seeing sister bird a half mile down the road on my brand new huffy.

The only thing I could think of was one word. And it rhymes with Witch.

Sister bird then turns the bike around and we make eye contact. She is going 90 miles an hour down the hill. Straight for me. I felt like the dude in a foreign country, holding that red thingy. Sister bird was the bull.

Then ZOOM right past me.

Blood and all.

She knew what she had done. As soon as she passed me, she hopped off my huffy, ditched it in the cold grass, and ran home.

I slowly walked over and picked up my new Huffy. And I sadly walked her home. Dripping blood from my chin the whole way.

We didn't speak for a while.

A whole 45 minutes.

Daddy fixed my chin up. I told him the WHOLE story. And boy, he wasn't happy.

Sister bird got a spankin that day. The spankin heard round the World.

There. Thatda teach her.

As far as my busted up chin. It was a small price to pay for such a sweet victory.

Happy Birthday Sister Bird

Second of all. We have Greggie Poo and I's first Anniversary.

When I was working in the assisted living community, my residents threw me a bridal shower. Too cute, I know.

As part of my shower, each resident had a chance to give me some marital advice. We all sat around in the common area as each one began to tell me their own stories of marriage bliss....some good, some bad, and some down right hilarious.

And, In between stories, there was Ms. Fields.

"Huh? What did he say?"

Someone would shout across the room (so the whole State of Virginia could hear) to fill her in on what was just said.

"Oh, that's a good one. Un Hum."

She always tickled my funny bone. Maybe cause she had a little of Grandma in her. She gets jiggy with it.

I recently came across the paper with all of the advice on it.

I started to read it and found a chuckle with each line.

From my favorite little two toothed man we have ..."Don't humiliate each other"

No comment.

From the grumpiest old man in the place (who somehow found a special spot in my heart) we have... "Destiny makes us brothers, None can make his way alone, Each good thought we have for others, Comes back to our very own."

Everyone in the room had to pick up their jaw after that one. I guess I had found a special spot in his heart as well.

I don't want to make my way alone. I am so blessed to have found my soul mate.

From my spunkiest little lady we have..."Let him think he is getting his own way"

Oh, Mrs. C, I have this one mastered!

From the couple that celebrated their 75th Wedding Anniversary a mere days before, we have...(simultaneously I must add, "Hold your tongue"

Truth be told, I have NOT mastered this one. But I am honestly working on it.
"Huh? What did they say?"

"Oh yeah, that's a good one. Un Hum."

Each couple is different. Each couple can not be compared to another. We are a one of a kind couple.

So here's to my husband. Who puts me in my place. Who eats my burnt hard shell tacos. Who makes me belly laugh. Who I trust. Who is my best friend. Who spoils me rotten. Who spoils Bird Dog rotten. Who makes me want to be a better person. Who let's me call him Greggie Poo on my blog. Who I miss when he's away. Who I love.

Yuck! Who just wrote that sappy paragraph. Get off of my blog you impostor.

Happy Anniversary Greggie Poo.

************************************************************************************** Third of all, we have K Bird's birthday.

K Bird is a man of few words. But when he does speak we all listen. As it is full of wisdom and guidance.

I do not find it odd that my mother fell in love with a man of such few words. After all he did marry my mother, which means he has married into a family of 4 women who do not shut up. I should know. I am one of them.

I remember the first time I meet K Bird. (K Bird is such a biker name - I think I feel this one sticking) It was Halloween night 2005. He came over to Grandma's (Sister Bird and the kids were living there) after the kid's had been trick or treating. This means one thing. SUGAR RUSH!

Danielle was running around as a cute little chocolate covered fairy. Dylan was fighting off dragons as a bubble gum trenched knight.

There sat K Bird(man, I'm really liking the name). Quiet as a mouse, over in the corner. He watched on. Smiling with delight. Never once correcting the sugar plum fairy or the noble knight.

Hum... I thought. Well he made past Halloween with a 2 year old and a 5 year old. He's worth a second date.

And a third. And a fourth.

Then a few years and Halloweens later, K Bird and Mom were hitched.

I am so glad that he didn't run away into the night because of our "frightful" family on that Halloween night. I am so glad that he has made my mom the happiest I have ever seen her. I am so glad that he lets us put a "I love my Chihuahua" sticker on the back of his muscle bike and laughs with us.

Thank you K Bird for being the quiet soul in our soulful family!

Happy Birthday KBird


Like I said before. The most important of all of the October festivities is that Sammy Bird now says my name. When he gets in the car. "Mayme" When Sister bird is talking on the phone. "Mayme" When he sees me and wants one of the sixty golf balls on my shelve. "Mayme"

My little baby is getting so big.

I wonder when he is going to say "Greggie Poo"


Emily said...

For the record...I don't recall the "spankin heard 'round the world"! All I remember was the wind blowing in my face that was plastered with a victory (gapped) smile (now I would totally be in complete agreement if you called my grin the "gap seen 'round the world"! Again, for the record, Sam now comes over to the computer and points and says Mayme and I have to go to "My Pictures" and find pics of you for him to point to!

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