Monday, April 12, 2010

Where have ya'll been?

I have been here.
Where have you guys been?

I have been here blogging day after day, pouring out my heart and soul into these posts.
Blood, sweat and tears folks.
And what do I get in return?
Nothing. Nada. Zip.
For this blog to continue we are going to HAVE to work on this. mkay?
Okay. So maybe I am partly to blame in this here blog relationship. But I have a good excuse.
Really. I do.
This is how my laptop has been for a little over a year now.
Remember back when we remodeled the kitchen? Well. We had to move everything around and nothing was in it's normal place. Everything was packed into the living room. And I mean everything. Dishes, groceries, kitchen table, toaster, everything!
Including the kitchen sink.
Junk started piling up, laptops ended up at the bottom of large, heavy piles, and before you knew it, a busted screen.
Happens to the best of us.
Greggie and I have been been living with the ink blob by minimizing the screen to fit in the "clean" area. But then it started to spread like the swine flu and, well, we didn't get a flu shot.
Thankfully I married a honorary member of the Geek Squad and he hooked us up.
Once again, literally.
And just like that - we are back in business!
One little problem.
I have a love / hate relationship with electronics.
I love what they can do for me.
Fast internet, wonderful smutty reality shows, power to my coffee pot-
BUT I hate the cords that come along with them.
Hate them.
Detest them.
So what am I going to do about above picture? Ugg.
And I am not talking about the yellow tow strap holding together my grandmother's antique bench.
I have bigger fish to fry people.
Like keeping up with a blog.


April and Brad said...

Oh Amy Jo how we've missed you!! Yay for being back!!

Wolford Family said...

So glad you are back! Your posts always make me laugh! ;-)

Wenn said...

YAY! You updated, that makes me very happy!

Cam said...

I have been holding a daily vigilance checking for updates so imagine my excitement when I logged on to Emily's blog and saw that you had updated... Oh wait, I meant to say that I logged on to YOUR blog and saw that you updated....just kidding glad to see that the Storcks are back up and running!!!

Keeping up with the Jones said...

Amy Jo we've missed you so! haha! So glad your back! :)