Wednesday, June 23, 2010


**Edit to post**
I had to switch out the pictures.
Greggie was really happy that I put our address on the world wide web. No, really. He was. **


Every. Name. Is. Misspelled.

I can understand the last name- that damn "c" gets 'ya everytime. But "Amiee" ....really?

And please don't get me started on the "Joe".

The sad part though. The really sad, sad part.

This was a marketing blitz for a friend of ours. As in, a friend close enough that they should know how to spell at least one name correctly.

Don't worry Dex. Amiee and Gregg still love you.

Wen, can ya help our boy out and get this fixed right up?

1 comment:

Wenn said...

OH MY GOD... That is awful. I am on it... so sorry :)
By the way Ed & Annie will be visiting next weekend for the 4th, you guys wanna come down?