Thursday, December 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Buddy

Well Happy Birthday there Buddy Bird.

Clever I know.

As we all know, Buddy is what my sister and her husband call each other. Why, I have no idea, but it has seemed to have stuck. After scanning my brain for a blog name for him, Buddy is what I came up with as well.
Clearly because Coach Bird, Soccer Bird, and Jack Ass Bird, just doesn't have the same ring to it. So Buddy Bird it is.

On with the Birthday shout out.

Buddy Bird has been a great addition to the English fam. Not only is he down right hilarious, he loves our family for who we are. He's not about changing our foolish ways, he's about accepting our foolish ways.

For instance. If the English girls go shopping, Buddy Bird pretty much knows there's a 90% chance, that one of us is going to lose our purse. Therefore, he keeps a list of bank numbers, credit card numbers, and the DMV on speed dial.

Also, he knows we are not morning people and he should just get up and fix breakfast for himself and Greggie Poo and let Em Bird and I sleep in.

He just gets us. Never tries to change us.

So as a special little "thank you", I have decided to do something that I know you have wanted to do, but just haven't had the time to do yourself.

"Elf Yourself"

I know, I know. You're excited.

But's hilarious.

Oh, and since I am in the poor house. Or maybe I just procrastinated in shopping, wrapping and mailing your present. Consider this your gift. Sucka.

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Hope you have a great Birthday.


Emily said...

FTR...the whole buddy thing all started as a joke because we COULD. NOT. BELIEVE. people acutally used it...and so it turned out to stick and therefor totally backfired on us. But let's be honest...he IS my buddy!!! I couldn't get the elf doomajig to work...but I NEED to see my little buddy shake his little elf self!!!!

Emily said...

FTR (take two) I let Chris read the post and he laughed his head off..then he read my comment and laughed his head off again, mainly because of all the gramatical errors...I can't help the comment section doesn't have spell check!!!! What's a first grade teacher to do??