Monday, January 10, 2011

Second trimester

The second trimester for baby Storck

Weeks 14- 27
November 12th - February 11th
Week 15
Yes, I know my eyes are closed. Yes, it makes me sad.

Week 17 Yorktown Lighted Boat Parade
(Santa in his sleigh being pulled by reindeer)

I hear that being pregnant makes you take really, really good photographs. As you can tell by the above pictures that I must be REALLLLY pregnant. The pictures are so focused, centered, and up close. Hold please, Barry Brooks is calling in.

This night made my heart very, very happy. A small boating community, hot chocolate, carolers, the fife and drum, snuggling with the hubby. It was like a scene out of a movie.

Week 18

Week 19 Christmas Town

This night made my Christmas heart very happy as well. If you ever have the chance to come to Christmas Town at Busch Gardens, I highly recommend it. They did a fabulous job at intertwining the religious aspect verses the commercial side of Christmas and did so respectfully. We would walk around and look at ALL of the lights and then go inside to warm up and watch a show. Loved, loved, loved it! It really was magical. The above picture is Greg and I on the train. They played Christmas carols over the intercom and we had our hot chocolate in hand. We were all snuggled together, riding around the park looking at the millions of lights. I think at one point my hormonal ass looked at Greg and said "I'm just so happy". He didn't have a response.

No wait. I remember now. He just smiled and rolled his eyes.

And then the train whistle blew.

Gender reveal
Week 20

We didn't find out the gender right away. My ultrasound was December 23rd and with it so close to Christmas, I thought it would be sweet if we waited until everyone was around the Christmas tree and we were opening presents all together. We did the big reveal in Charlotte at Uncle Bill and Aunt Carol's house on Christmas Eve. Greg and I decided to let Brenda (my mother in law) open the envelope. Since the ultrasound font was so small and the room wasn't lit very well, she couldn't read it. She kept trying to make out what it said, and finally had to get up and go to the lamp. We were all on the edge of our seats! As soon as she figured it out, she turned to us and with tears in her eyes said "It's a boy!" The whole room erupted in tears, cheers and hugs. It was so sweet and I am so glad we did it that way. It is something I will never forget. Never ever.

We woke up Christmas morning in Charlotte, got in the car and headed towards Roanoke to celebrate Christmas afternoon with my family. After driving in horrible snowy conditions we finally pulled into my mother's drive way. Everyone knew that we already knew what the gender was. Trying to keep a straight face until my mom had her chance to open the envelope was impossible. In fact, several times I referred to "him" as "he" and blew my cover. You just can't fool MaJO! Everyone was equally as excited when mom announced that it was a boy. I was glad to be keeping in English sister tradition and have a boy first.

I think he looks just like Greg. No one else sees it....but I do. 100%
Actually, Em said she sees it, but she doesn't count. We share a brain anyway.

It's a MAN!
I can't flip the picture, but instead of the ultrasound tech writing "boy" in the top left corner, she wrote, "It's a man!" Hence why Brenda couldn't make it out without her glasses.

Emily had to help me "see" the picture. I thought a buttcheck was a torso, the other buttcheck, his legs....I was all upside down.

Week 20 Half way point! Christmas 2010

20.5 Weeks
A huge Christmas blizzard hit and dumped up to 10 inches of snow in Williamsburg. No one knew what to do with themselves! This town is just not used to that much snow.
It was simply gorgeous.

December 31, 2011
21 Weeks

Kim and Matt came down to Williamsburg for New Year's Eve. Such good friends to sit around with an old, boring pregnant woman on NYE! It was such a relaxing night. We ate at a Chinese restaurant, came home and watched a movie, watched the ball drop, skyped with family members and reminisced. Oh the stories.... Kim and I have spend many a NYE s together and although I will never forget a one, this one we might actually remember ;) Love my Kim! And Matt! And Butters!

Jan 9, 2011
22 Weeks

This is who has been behind the camera all of this time taking my belly shots. I wanted to get a picture of what Greg looked like during all of this. I know it will mean something in 20 years. After all, it better damn it! He put up a little fight when I grabbed the camera from him for his "22 week" shot.

The second trimester was actually nice and the little guy was good to me. It was the most energy I had throughout my pregnancy. I was able to start shopping for my little boy and it was nice to finally know what we were having! I was also able to get started on the nursery. (I'll do a separate post on that!) But for the most part, Greg and I hibernated. We typically do this anyway in the winter time, but with the pregnancy I found we did it even more. We didn't really travel a lot and we watched A LOT of movies (in bed - my favorite movie watching spot!) and had the fire place roaring at all times.

Biggest hormonal moment: Wowza. This one is embarrassing. So embarrassing in fact that I am not going to go into details, but let's just say there were tears. Big ANGRY tears. And me throwing the contents of our tupperware drawer up in the air like confetti.

Greg and Maggie hid for the rest of the night.

Best milestone: Around the middle of January (22-23 weeks) I finally felt the baby kick. I actually went from feeling nothing at all to feeling him several times a day. The sweetest thing about it was that Greg and I felt it at the same time. We were laying in bed, reading and watching TV, when bam, he kicked me on my lower right side. I let Greg know immediately, that there was no denying what I just felt, was in deed a kick. Greg put his hand in the same spot and about a minute later he kicked again. I will never forget the look on his face. Finally, his first physical connection with our baby boy.

We're trucking right along. On to the 3rd trimester....