I've said it before, I'll say it again.
The little guy took it easy on me this whole pregnancy.
Sure there were times I had the worst heartburn I've ever had in my life, tossed and turned the whole night, cried at episodes of "What would you do?" (ABC), peed 8 times in one night, bit Greg's head off cause he looked at me funny, swelling that put hippos to shame, and anxiety induced itchiness, but it was nothing that I couldn't get through. And I did. I've heard horror story after horror story and I would think to myself, I didn't have that.... or I didn't have to do that. For that I am truly grateful. Really.
Weeks 28 to Week 40ish
February 18th - May 13thish
Week 28
I had my Glucose test on Valentine's Day...Nothing says I love you more than a few viles of blood. I was worried about this test as I don't give blood very well. I actually did ok and I even passed!
Week 31
Greg's work had a small baby shower for us. It was so sweet! It was at Katie Kullberg's house and she and Betty were the hostesses. We received lots of great gifts and it was so thoughtful for them to throw us that shower! Good times had with that group!
Week 32
We traveled to Roanoke for another baby shower. The good ole fashion English baby shower. It was NO disappointment! All of my favorite foods, adorable decorations, cuteness of a cake, and all of the lovely ladies who have been so special in my life. Some ladies that were there knew me when I was still in my momma's belly! Those ladies have been a solid rock to my family and I love them all! Special thanks to my Momma, Emily and Laura for putting it all together. We were showered with so many great things! And of course my Kimmy.....such a sweet sweet sweet best friend to travel all of that way for my baby shower and then to get me our car seat on top of that!?! You didn't have to do that you know :) I owe you big time :)
Week 36
Brenda and Bill threw us a couples baby shower at their house. They were so thoughtful to do that! Everything looked fabulous and the food was delicious! There were people there we hadn't seen since the wedding and it was so good to catch up! Their friends are a riot and some extended family even made it down! So thoughtful of everyone to come! Thank you again Bill and Brenda! We loved it!
Random event: Kingsmill and surrounding areas had a major tornado come through during this shower. What? When did I move to Kansas?
Week 38.5
Big Gurl is all I have to say. Wowza!
Biggest hormonal moment:
Once again, NOT going into details, but it was on my birthday. May 1st. I couldn't even get through a skyped version of "Happy Birthday" from Sam and Sissy without crying. All I remember is Sam saying "Why's hers crying?" I was a wreck.
Note to all husbands: You can not over do your wife's birthday if she is pregnant.
That's ok. My toy was broken that day. But he was not broken on Mother's Day, so I guess that kinda made up for it.
Doctor's appointments: You know for nostalgic s sake.
At my 36 week appointment I was already 1 cm dilated.
37 week appointment I was still 1 cm but 50% effaced. What? Still only a 1cm?
38 week appointment I was a loose 2cm and 75% effaced.
39-40 week appointment still a loose 2cm and 80% ish effaced. BOO!!
Since I saw my due date come and go (Friday, May 13th) I had to pick an inducement date. Due to schedules and hospital schedules, we had to go with Tuesday May 17th. (Hope you like your birthday date sweet baby) And since I hadn't dilated anymore since my last appointment, I had to get a foley ball put in (pause for you to google). Really? Cause that was fun. Geez a certain someone does not want to come out and meet me!!
Wish us luck! Next blog...introducing my new son!